I’ll Be Taking A Break For Personal Reasons - Chapter 301
The right arm of the God of Destruction that was strangling me exploded and disappeared.
“Kek! Thanks to that
, I was freed from restraints and coughed out a bloody cough while clutching my bruised black throat
다른 신들과 신도들은 파괴신이 일으킨 신풍에 날아가 아직 돌아오지 못했다.
파괴신도 영문을 알 수 없다는 표정으로 날아간 자신의 팔을 바라보고 있었다.
폭발해 사라진 파괴신의 오른팔의 단면에서 마치 도마뱀의 꼬리가 자라듯 순식간에 다른 팔이 돋아났다.
이번에는 멀쩡했던 왼팔이 폭발해 버렸다.
파괴신의 얼굴이 석상처럼 딱딱하게 굳더니 눈에서 시뻘건 광망이 쏟아졌다.
-감히 우리를 거부하겠다고? 그 무엇이! 우리의 비원인 창조신의 부활보다 중하단 말이냐!
두근! 두근!
그 순간 나는 느꼈다.
내 분신인 삼신은 아직 소멸하지 않았다. 스스로를 희생하며 파괴신의 몸 안에서 싸우고 있었던 것이다.
바로 우리의 소중한 조카 성연이와 그녀가 소중히 여기는 나를 지키기 위해서.
콰쾅! 콰콰쾅!
계속되는 폭발에 휩싸인 파괴신의 사지가 떨어져 나갔다.
물론 순식간에 재생하기를 반복하고 있었지만 그럴 때마다 분명히 놈의 신력이 점점 줄어 가고 있는 게 느껴졌다.
파괴신이 이를 갈며 고함쳤다.
-네가 그렇게 나오겠다면 좋다! 지금 당장 지구도! 네가 사랑하는 그 어린 계집아이도! 모두 멸망시켜 주겠다!
파괴신의 애벌레 같은 형상의 머리칼이 살아 있듯 사납게 꿈틀거리며 엄청난 속도로 비대해지기 시작하더니…….
콰르르 콰콰쾅!
폭발과 함께 진정한 본신(本身)을 드러냈다.
마치 바람을 한계 이상으로 불어 넣어 터져 버린 풍선처럼 내가 ‘거짓된 천지창조’의 권능으로 만든 가짜 지구가 그 용량의 한계를 이기지 못하고 갈가리 찢겨져 버렸다.
Floating in space, covered in blood from the shock, I tried to stare at the monster that had destroyed my world simply by the manifestation of a pure body.
However, it was too vast and indescribably huge to be captured by the eye.
A God of Destruction in the shape of a caterpillar that holds the universe in its body.
Deed Deed Deed!
Every time the wrinkles of the caterpillar’s body wriggled, the solar system was shaken by the impact.
bang! Kwak Kwa Kwak! Kwak!
Explosions were occurring all over the body of the God of Destruction, as if the three gods were still attacking. However, compared to that overwhelming size now, it was nothing more than a scar.
The God of Destruction reached Earth in an instant.
The God of Destruction, who was staring at the Earth with ferocious eyes, opened its mouth several times larger than the Earth.
My earth is covered with the darkness of the God of Destruction and disappears.
나는 삼라만상을 들었다.
마지막 수단이라고 여겼던 미완의 원고를 완성하는 것은 이 짧은 시간 동안에는 무리였지만 지구가 소멸하는 것을 방관할 수는 없었다.
바로 그 순간 내 머릿속에 익숙한 갓메이커의 알람이 울려 퍼졌다.
띠링! 띠링!
-천마가 자신과 한 약속을 지키라고 ‘모든 것을 베는 천검’에게 재촉합니다.
-‘모든 것을 베는 천검’이 지금은 아직 때가 아닌 것 같다며 망설여 합니다. 자신을 사용할 수 있는 것은 단 한번 뿐이라고 변명합니다.
-천마가 이를 부득부득 갈며 지금이 아니면 그 한 번도 사용할 기회가 없을 거라고 노호합니다!
-‘모든 것을 베는 천검’이 한숨을 내쉬며 알았다고 합니다.
-‘모든 것을 베는 천검’이 당신에게 마지막 남은 ‘천검의 보고’ 소환권을 쓰라고 재촉합니다.
나는 퍼뜩 정신이 들었다.
아무리 천검의 보고에 있는 신검들이라 해도 본래의 모습으로 돌아온 저 파괴신을 어떻게 할 수 있을 거라고는 생각되지 않았지만 물에 빠진 사람이 지푸라기라도 잡듯 간절히 외쳤다.
“천검의 보고 사용!”
-The last use of the ‘Heavenly Sword’s Repository’ of the ‘everything-slicing Heavenly Sword’ bound by the causal rate of the previous life will be deducted.
– ‘Reservoir of Heavenly Sword’ descends on you!
Great! Blasphemy!
Time freezes and the space in front of me cracks.
And the familiar white space spread out.
This is the new station where the ‘everything-slicing heavenly sword’ has gathered new swords.
However, it was different from the previous life I remember.
All the divine swords that filled the seemingly endless white space were gone.
– ‘The heavenly sword that cuts everything’ is that, you grumble that it’s because you raged too hard in the Tower of God.
“Tsk, he also arranged for you. please stop whining It’s not like a great swordsman.”
‘This voice?’
The voice of an all-too-familiar, eccentric old
man was coming towards me, waving a
long black long sleeve.
The moment I saw him, tears welled up in my eyes.
“Old man?”
“Keukkyu yes. Did you come, disciple?”
He was the Heavenly Demon who saved and destroyed the world of Juarin.
He was looking at me with a benevolent smile. I cried and tried to hug him, but
the Heavenly Demon reached out and held me back.
The Heavenly Demon handed me something, saying it was a divine sword.
I felt embarrassed.
What the Heavenly Demon handed over, saying it was a new sword, was nothing more than a lump of metal with no blade and only the hilt.
It’s rusty as well.
-The ‘Heavenly Sword that cuts everything’ is rude! If it wasn’t for the promise with the Heavenly Demon, I’m furious that the likes of you wouldn’t have dared to use yourself!
The handle of the sword the Heavenly Demon was holding trembled as if in a seizure.
I asked just in case.
“Could this be the ‘Heavenly Sword that can cut everything’?”
“Yes. This sword is the ‘Heavenly Sword that can cut everything’ that has been forged for eons of eons by sacrificing its own body as a sacrifice to destroy the God of Destruction.”
With both trembling hands, I grabbed the sword the Heavenly Demon handed me.
Even though it was an insignificant sword with only the hilt, the powerful divine power of the Sword God who sealed the God of Destruction in the past and the law of cause and effect he had accumulated over the eons of time were felt.
“Remember, you can only use the ‘Heavenly Sword that can cut everything’ once.” The
Heavenly Demon stroked my head with a rough hand.
“I beseech you, disciple. I believe that you will be able to save all worlds from the God of Destruction.”
The Heavenly Demon’s faith and the divine power he possessed were conveyed to me.
At the same time, the heavenly sword’s report disappeared and I returned to reality.
To the moment just before the God of Destruction devours the Earth.
I shouted as if I was vomiting blood and moved in space in front of the earth holding the ‘everything-slicing heavenly sword’ in both hands
Then, he gathered all his divine power and struck the sword without a blade at the mouth of the God of Destruction who was trying to swallow the earth.
no i didn’t want to knock it down
Stand tall!
The Celestial Sword I held up was as solid as a stone statue and did not move.
– ‘The Celestial Sword that can cut everything’ says that you don’t have enough divine power to use it! They are perplexed as to where they spent all the divine power they gathered in the Tower of Alternate Gods!
Right now I’m not in a perfect situation. His two alter egos, Lee Shin and Sam Shin, were separated, and a huge amount of divine power was consumed to create a fake earth and fight against the God of Destruction.
Deed deed deed!
The mouth of the god of destruction closes and swallows the earth.
“omg! omg! stupid guy Can’t you even wield that sword without me?”
Then, the space behind me split open and I heard a familiar voice.
My alter ego, Yui-sin, the evil god, grabbed my hand holding the heavenly sword with a bloody appearance.
“Cut down that goddamn bug!
oh oh oh!
Lee Shin merged with me again, and the immense divine power he possessed was transmitted to me.
What Lee Shin possessed was not only his divine power as an evil god.
– I will entrust my strength too! never give up!
– You are the only god! I’ll help too! Geun Yoowook!
-Oh God! Please sever this cursed cause and effect of eternity!
– Honey, please be strong! You have to live and have a hot date with me!
– You are the only God! I too believe in your victory!
Il-ho and I-ho, who are my close friends, the Emperor, and the followers of the Gayami tribe, who have become seekers of eternity, as well as Nightmare and Bountiful.
And it contained the wishes of the gods and followers who came to help me.
Then, a sword blade of light embracing dazzling white light protruded from the heavenly sword, which only had a sword handle.
I saw the enormous causality contained in it.
This is the divine power and causality that Heavenly Sword has been gathering like a mistress for eons of time.
It was emitting a brilliant light like the morning star in response to everyone’s divine power.
You can ring now.
– Remember. Life is like a long dream. So let go of all attachments and be free. That is the way to true emptiness.
I remembered the last herbivore the Heavenly Demon had to save Eunjooguk and the Empress at the Tower of God.
“The Heavenly Demon Divine Sword Jeolcho! 진 천마공겁(天魔空劫)!”
먼 과거 파괴신을 조각내 봉인했던 검신의 검과 무의 극에 달한 천마의 검이 내 손에서 펼쳐지며.
그 거체에 우주를 품은 종막의 파괴신을 갈랐다.
해피엔딩? (8)
띠링! 띠링!
-‘모든 것을 베는 천검’이 천검의 보고로 역소환됩니다.
내 손에 쥐였던 ‘모든 것을 베는 천검’이 임무를 끝냈다는 듯이 사라졌다.
-끼아아악! 끼에에에엑!
마치 여인과 괴물의 것이 뒤섞인 듯한 절규가 끔찍하게 울려 퍼진다.
차악! 차아악!
동시에 아주 먼 과거에 ‘모든 것을 베는 천검’이 자신을 희생해 파괴신을 베었던 것처럼 우주를 품은 애벌레 형상의 파괴신의 육체가 수백 갈래로 찢겨 나가기 시작했다.
단지 이것만이라면 과거의 그때와 차이가 없을지 모른다.
저 수백 갈래 찢긴 파괴신의 조각은 여전히 그 하나하나만으로도 세계를 멸망시키고도 남는 재앙이었으니까.
하지만 방금 내가 ‘모든 것을 베는 천검’으로 펼친 천마공겁에는 내가 천 년 동안 시공을 초월한 신의 탑을 오르며 쌓아 온 인과율이 담겨 있었다.
제일 먼저 ‘산을 씹는 거신’의 세계에서 나와 거신이 힘을 합해 쓰러뜨렸던 파괴신의 조각이 파멸의 힘을 잃고 잿더미로 변하며 사라졌다.
그것은 시작에 불과했다.
천마의 세계 은주국에서 ‘천마’와 내가 쓰러뜨린 파괴신의 조각이 잿더미로 변해 사라진다.
영혼기갑 라젠카 ‘팔이’의 세계와 이신과 삼신 사신과 함께 신의 탑에서 개변시킨 세계들의 파멸의 미래가 사라진다.
그렇게 수백 갈래로 갈라진 파괴신의 조각들이 잿더미가 되어 하나하나 소멸하기 시작했다.
‘이 이긴 건가?’
I defeated the God of Destruction!
But it wasn’t the time to be intoxicated with victory.
My eyes were tangled in black, green and white colors.
‘Where are you? Samsin-ah!’
With the power of the God’s Eye, I hurriedly searched for the Three Gods absorbed by the God of Destruction. Before the God of Destruction was completely annihilated, he had to find and save the Three Gods.
After a while, among the fragments of the God of Destruction, I found the unconscious Samsin buried in the flesh corresponding to the tail part.
Within the God of Destruction, Samshin’s hair had turned gray as if he had expended too much power to stop him.
“Three Gods!”
I hurriedly moved to him using my space movement skill.
Then, I grabbed his arm to pull out the Three Gods from the crumbling flesh of the God of Destruction.
very moment
This space is somehow familiar.
It’s like a mental world image space that I experienced when I fought Mina noona…. As I was holding the
three gods in my arms and looking around, she appeared from the darkness. Suddenly, the nude goddess holding the universe in her body, the God of Destruction
the culprit behind all of this.
The stars that the God of Destruction was shining beautifully inside her body. At the same time, her body was also slowly crumbling like sand. The God of Destruction roared as she stared at